No fishing is allowed at Nangbéto Lake, Togo, from August 15 to November 15, 2022. This corresponds to the period for the biological rest of fishes, Edem Tengue, the minister of fishing and coast protection, wrote in a statem

No fishing is allowed at Nangbéto Lake, Togo, from August 15 to November 15, 2022. This corresponds to the period for the biological rest of fishes, Edem Tengue, the minister of fishing and coast protection, wrote in a statement.
Togo: Authorities halt fishing and related activities at Nangbéto Lake for three months
“Biological rest, established on the lake of Nangbeto as part of sustainable management measures, aims to allow for the lake’s repopulation in halieutic resources, to ensure their sustainability for the good of the present and future generations", the official said.
He added that anyone caught, “fishing, moving, or selling products from this Lake” will be sanctioned according to law.
Besides fishing, aquaculture is also practised at Nangbéto Lake. The Aquaculture Development Project of Togo (PDAT) was deployed there and CFA380 million have been spent under this project, to provide fish farmers with the equipment they need to produce more tilapia. Until April 2022, this investment has helped produce nearly 30 tons of tilapia for the local market.