The ACW 2022 hosted by the Gabon government was organised by UN Climate Change in collaboration with global partners; UN Environment Programme, the World Bank Group and the UN Development Programme

Take Urgent Actions To Tackle Climate Change- Gabon
The ACW 2022 hosted by the Gabon government was organised by UN Climate Change in collaboration with global partners; UN Environment Programme, the World Bank Group and the UN Development Programme.
Partners that were included in the region are; the Africa Union, the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), the Africa Development Bank (AfDB) and UN Gabon.
There were more than 2,300 delegates in attendance at the event in Libreville. The conference provided a very important platform for the continent to address social differences and invest in development to improve climate action and protect people and ecosystems.
The event was held under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and is a big step toward COP27, which is slated to be held in Egypt in November.
The opening session featured a ministerial dialogue on the difficulties involved in mobilising and accessing climate finance at scale to prompt the implementation of countries’ NDCs (Nationality Determined Contributions). and prioritise national climate plans and strategies.
In October 2021, Uganda presented her Nationally NDC to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The country hopes to lower emissions from its business-as-usual (BAU) scenarios through these NDCs by 22% by 2030.
This is to be done through a series of measures and policies projected to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Approximately $7.80 billion will be needed. Mitigation efforts focus on energy supply, agriculture, forestry and wetland sectors.
The BAU scenario estimates an output equivalent to 77.3 million tonnes of carbon dioxide per year. The contributions that are under Nationally Determined Contribution include gender-responsive climate change actions and cross-cutting respect for human rights.
The livelihood of Ugandans depends highly on the exploitation of natural resources and climate inclusiveness. Uganda’s priority in submitting these NDCs is adaptation.
The nation aims at working toward reducing vulnerability and also addressing adaptation in agriculture and forestry, livestock, infrastructure (especially human settlements, transport and social infrastructure), water, health, energy and disaster risk management.
Despite the fact that Uganda’s NDCs include cross-cutting respect for human rights as well as gender-responsive climate change actions and protection of vulnerable groups that include women, no one of the priority sectors considered for the NDCs speaks of women and girls exclusively.