The National Empowerment Foundation (NEF), operating under the auspices of the Ministry of Social Integration, Social Security, and National Solidarity, began distributing school supplies kits and sending cash grants to 10,80

The National Empowerment Foundation (NEF), operating under the auspices of the Ministry of Social Integration, Social Security, and National Solidarity, began distributing school supplies kits and sending cash grants to 10,802 students across the Republic of Mauritius today.
This was during a ceremony held at the Paul Octave Wiéhé Auditorium in Réduit.
More than 10,000 students from vulnerable families receive financial aid from Mauritius.
The Minister of Social Integration, Social Security, and National Solidarity, Mrs. Fazila Jeewa-Daureeawoo, and the Chairman of the NEF, Dr. Mohamud Raffick Sorefan. The Chief Executive Officer of the NEF, Mr. Jean Nel Alain Aliphon, and others attended the event.
School supplies and uniforms were symbolically distributed to about 250 recipients. In her remarks for the occasion, Mrs. Fazila Jeewa-Daureeawoo emphasized the Government's social conscience in ensuring a balance between economic development and the social welfare of the populace, particularly the elderly, the disabled, and vulnerable families.
She outlined the Ministry's initiatives to demonstrate how it works to ensure that student's education is not hampered by a lack of instructional resources and financial support, whether at the pre-primary, primary, secondary, or tertiary levels.
More than 10,000 students from low-income families received school supplies and cash grants. More than 10,000 students from low-income families received school supplies and cash grants.
Additionally, Mrs. Jeewa-Daureeawoo emphasized the significance of parents as their children's primary educators and caregivers.
She urged parents to take on their roles as parents while highlighting the resources the Government provides to assist them so that their kids can finish school and even pursue higher education.
Mrs. Jeewa-Daureeawoo claims that the Marshall Plan against Poverty, which became operational in 2016, offers a well-defined framework with specific guidelines and standards to assist vulnerable families and enhance their standard of living.
The Marshall Plan against Poverty and the Minister's list of priority areas to help the most vulnerable groups emphasize the importance of education, financial assistance, beneficiary training, housing facilities, and fostering family values.
The Minister also reaffirmed the Government's commitment to helping kids from low-income families, particularly those listed on the Social Register of Mauritius, finish school for however long is necessary.
She brought up the Free Examination Fees Scheme, which allows struggling students to retake exams for the School Certificate or Higher School Certificate without paying additional fees.
Mrs. Jeewa-Daureeawoo declared that the Government would develop new policies to safeguard the nation's most defenseless citizens.