Bathini Dlamini, a native of Mayiwane, was taken by Mswati's ritual men (bemanti), who were angry that she had called them dogs and hence deserving of death

Bathini Dlamini, a native of Mayiwane, was taken by Mswati's ritual men (bemanti), who were angry that she had called them dogs and hence deserving of death.
Mayiwane resident Bathini Dlamini was arrested by Mswati's ritual men(bemanti) for calling them dogs that deserve death
Mswati's ceremonial men (bemanti) allegedly grabbed Bathini Dlamini, a resident of Mayiwane in the Hhohho district, on Saturday morning. This was after she reportedly called them dogs that should be put to death.
Invading Mayiwane to harass the locals as part of the ongoing Incwala ritual celebration, the ritual men were shown to have been escorted by armed soldiers.
Lieutenant Tengetile Khumalo, the army spokesperson, was sent a questionnaire electronically. Still, she had not responded when this story was put together.
When Bathini Dlamini's brother was contacted for comment, he stated that his brother was occupied with household duties at home when he observed dogs passing by. He advised that the dogs should be killed since they were consuming our chickens' eggs.
Bemanti, who had mysteriously appeared, interrupted him as he made a remark about the dogs and demanded to know why he was calling them dogs that should be put to death. My brother was talking about the dogs, not them," he remarked.
Contacted for feedback and human rights, Sibusiso Nhlabatsi called BeManti's actions a flagrant breach of human rights committed in the name of culture.