Khaled El-Balshy, a seasoned journalist, was chosen as the head of Egypt's press syndicate on Friday after receiving 2450 votes to Khaled Miri's 2211 votes.
Khaled El-Balshy, a seasoned journalist, was chosen as the head of Egypt's press syndicate on Friday after receiving 2450 votes to Khaled Miri's 2211 votes. The overseeing committee of the midterm elections for the Journalists Syndicate announced the following results:
Five thousand sixty-two people participated in the polls in total. Four thousand eight hundred eighty-eight votes were correctly cast, while 174 were invalid.
The elections for the new head of the Syndicate and the other six board members for the Egyptian Journalists Syndicate began on Friday.
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On Friday, the Egyptian Journalists Syndicate's midterm elections began to select a new head and six additional board members. During the elections, up to 51 candidates ran; 11 ran for the head position, while 40 ran for the six council seats, 12 of which were "over-age" seats and 28 were "under-age" seats.
The vote is deemed valid by choosing six candidates listed on the elections forum. Diaa Rashwan, The outgoing President of the Syndicate of Journalists, who has already held the position for two consecutive terms, presides over both the General Assembly and the Elections Supervisory Committee.
From 10 am until 12 noon, members of the general assembly signed their names to the lists before the general community concluded and the election voting began. By 8 pm, the vote had been completed.