Japan achieved a complete transition to digital terrestrial broadcasting in March 2012. The Emergency Warning Broadcasting System (EWBS) is a significant feature of the ISDB-T
An Analogue Switch-Off (ASO) ceremony was held on October 2 in Gaborone, Botswana Republic. The ceremony was held to commemorate Botswana's analog broadcasting due to the nationwide spread of digital terrestrial broadcasting, which was made possible through the long-term cooperation of the Japanese government, including JICA.
There are four major digital terrestrial broadcasting systems worldwide, including the Japanese digital terrestrial broadcasting system (ISDB-T).
Japan achieved a complete transition to digital terrestrial broadcasting in March 2012. The Emergency Warning Broadcasting System (EWBS) is a significant feature of the ISDB-T.
The Japanese government is promoting the ISDB-T, and it has, so far, been adopted by 20 countries, which include Japan. JICA and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications cooperated in disseminating and promoting the ISDB-T in Botswana.
Though many countries have already deployed digital terrestrial broadcasting, Botswana is the first country to successfully transition to this form of broadcasting among the countries that have adopted the ISDB-T.
ASO makes reusing the frequency that was used for analog TV for other purposes possible, such as mobile phone services. Just as Japan has expanded frequency bandwidth with the spread of 5G services, Botswana is expected to utilize the vacant frequencies to facilitate the entry of new services, thereby contributing to the promotion of the country's industry.
On the day of the celebration, the government officials in the Department of Broadcasting Services (DBS), and the Office of the President, attended the ceremony, and the Ambassador of Japan to Botswana, H.E. Hoshiyama Takashi, who delivered a speech, along with Chief Representative of the JICA Botswana Office, Mr. Eguchi Hideo.
Ambassador Hoshiyama, in his speech, congratulated Botswana for being the first African country to install the ISDB-T and completing the transition to digital terrestrial broadcasting.
From the Botswana side, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry for Presidential Affairs, Ms. Goitsemang Morekisi, gave a welcoming speech. A keynote speech by Minister Hon followed this. Mr. Kabo N.S. Morwaeng, noted that the successful completion of the digital migration process in Botswana is due to the partnership with the government of Japan through JICA.
The ceremony was held in conjunction with the Independence Day of Botswana on September 30.
In attendance were the Permanent Secretary from the Ministry of Education and Skill Development and the Ministry of Youth, Gender, Sport and Culture, which will serve as resource providers for content development and data broadcasting.
A Botswana dance team performed a traditional dance. The ceremony was broadcasted live on Botswana's national television.